Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Music



First Advisor

Edward A, Roth, M.M.

Second Advisor

Dr. David S. Smith

Third Advisor

Dr. Zeng Ying


Music therapy preparation, internship, American international

Access Setting

Masters Thesis-Open Access


The purpose of this study was to investigate the different perceptions of internship between International and American music therapy students and professionals. There were 465 participants enroll in this study, and divided into four groups base on their own identification. Group AI (American Interns, n1=50), Group II (International Interns, n2=12), Group AP (American Professionals, n3=353), and Group IP (International Professionals, n4=50). The different perceptions include (a) primary criterion when choosing internship, (b) most confident areas when entering internship, (c) most want to improve during internship, (d) perceived strength related to internship preparedness, (e) primary concerns/worries related to internship preparedness. The survey included 13 questions. The format of the survey questions included multiple-choice questions and short answer questions. All the multiplechoice questions included an “other” option to let participants add language if they did not find a choice appropriate for them in the provided responses. The results indicated that there are many different opinions held by participants when participants select and prepare for their internship training.

Included in

Music Therapy Commons
