Date of Award


Degree Name

Specialist in Education


Educational Leadership, Research and Technology

First Advisor

Dr. Carol F. Sheffer

Second Advisor

Dr. Charles Warfield

Access Setting

Masters Thesis-Open Access


The purpose of this report is to describe a nine-week internship in the St. Joseph Public Schools. The major portion of the internship was devoted to working on a position description project and on computer scheduling at the Upton Junior High School.

Chapter I contains a brief background of the St. Joseph Public Schools and the intern 's prospectus.

Chapter II describes the intern's role in reviewing and developing position descriptions for certified personnel.

Chapter III describes the - intern's experiences in working with the Upton Junior High Principal to build a course master schedule.

Chapter IV contains the intern 's observations on leadership change. A description of other unplanned experiences is included.

Chapter V i s a summary of the intern 's experiences.
