Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Arts


Human Performance and Health Education

First Advisor

Dr. Maija Petersons

Second Advisor

Dr. Susan Coates

Third Advisor

Dr. James Bosco

Access Setting

Masters Thesis-Open Access


Senior citizens participating in a congregate meal program received nutrition education lessons in two different ways. One group received nutrition lectures, a second group recieved nutrition lectures accompanied by printed material. A third group served as a control. Each group contained an urban and rural site. The nutrition lectures and printed material centered on the Basic Four food groups. The lessons were presented to the subjects once a week in four successive weeks. The length of the nutrition lecture for each food group was twenty minutes. The senior citizen took pre and posttests to measure an increase or decrease in test scores. The urban lecture/ booklet group showed the greatest improvement on the posttests than the urban control and lecture group in three out of four lessons. There were no significant differences in any of the rural posttests if any of the treatments.
