Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science


Biological Sciences

First Advisor

Dr. Leonard J. Beuving

Second Advisor

Dr. Leonard Ginsberg

Third Advisor

Dr. George Gerritsen

Access Setting

Masters Thesis-Open Access


The objective of this study was to determine whether diabetic Chinese Hamsters maintained elevated endogenous cortisol concentrations and whether the previously reported elevation in gluconeogenesis in these diabetic animals was correlated with these cortisol concentrations.

It was found that nonketotic diabetic Chinese Hamsters maintained plasma cortisol concentrations similar to those of controls for the morning and evening time periods examined. Their rate of gluconeogenesis and absorption of injected pyruvate is much greater than that of controls in the morning. Furthermore, adrenalectomy increases gluconeogenesis and pyruvate absorption in both diabetics and normals and alleviates the difference seen in these parameters in the intact morning animals. Finally, short term cortisol therapy was unable to restore preadrenalectomy gluconeogenic values in either the diabetic or normal animals.

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