Date of Award
Degree Name
Master of Science
Geological and Environmental Sciences
First Advisor
Dr. William B. Harrison III
Second Advisor
Dr. W. David Kuenzi
Third Advisor
Dr. W. Thomas Straw
Access Setting
Masters Thesis-Open Access
Spiriferid brachiopods of the Middle Devonian Silica Formation in northwestern Ohio and southeastern Michigan show many Features that are useful For paleoecologic interpretation. This study is undertaken to examine and interpret the paleoecology and paleobiology of six spiriferid brachiopods Mucrospirifer prolificus, Mucrospirifer grabaui, Mucrospirifer profundus, Mucrospirifer mucronatus, Paraspirifer bownockeri and Spinocyrtia euryteines. All are very abundant and can be easily collected from quarries in the Silica Formation near Sylvania, Ohio.
Fourteen different morphologic characteristics have been tabulated for all specimens used in this study. These characteristics allow interpretations of the ontogenetic de velopment and ecologic relationships of the six studied species to their physical environment. In addition to measurable morphologic characters, encrusting epizoans on the shell surface during the brachiopods life and borings or other trace of predators can be used to estimate the brachi opod life orientations and substrate relations.
Recommended Citation
Ghahremani, Darioush T., "Paleoecology of the Spiriferid Brachiopods of the Silica Shale Formation (Middle Devonian), S.E. Michigan and N.W. Ohio" (1978). Masters Theses. 2093.