Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Arts

First Advisor

Dr. C. E. Williams

Second Advisor

Dr. Charles Heller

Access Setting

Masters Thesis-Open Access


The delta area of Missouri comprises the seven counties in the southeastern part of the state. These counties form the only area in Missouri where cotton is widely produced. Although cotton was grown in the region as early as 1850, the delta area did not become a major cotton producer until 1922. For a number of years prior to 1922 certain elements, including soil and topography, climate, forest clearance, land drainage, and the influx of farmers prior to 1920, formed a potential favorable to large-scale cotton production, yet none occurred. For an increase in production to occur some element had to appear and activate the existing potential. This activating element was the influx of cotton workers from the South from 1922 to 1924, which provided the necessary labor supply. As this in-migration occurred cotton acreage increased rapidly, rising from 98, 000 acres in 1921 to 511, 000 acres in 1924.

Included in

Geography Commons
