Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Arts



First Advisor

Dr. Thomas VanValey

Second Advisor

Dr. James Peterson

Third Advisor

Dr. Sue Crull

Access Setting

Masters Thesis-Open Access


The objective of this study was to determine in what ways male and female applicants to graduate school are similar or different. Secondary analysis was conducted on survey data which described attitudes and behavior of students admitted to graduate programs at Western Michigan University. The purpose was to assess the relationship between gender and curricula selected, likelihood of applying for and receiving financial aid, and the influence of marital status. Gender did have a statistically significant relationship with curricula selection and influence of marital status. Furthermore, it appeared that women graduate students find marriage to be a more limiting factor than men, as reflected by the lower number of schools to which married women applied and the high proportion of married women who cited location as the most important influence on whether . or not they would attend WMU. However , no relation was found between gender and applying for or receiving financial aid.
