Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Arts


Human Performance and Health Education

First Advisor

Dr. Mary L. Dawson

Second Advisor

Dr. Roger Zabik

Third Advisor

Dr. Robert Moss

Access Setting

Masters Thesis-Open Access


Plyometric exercises blend speed and strength training and are often used to help an athlete reach his or her ultimate power potential. Specifically, plyometric training is a technique that enhances neuromuscular excitability, which may in tum increase the ability to achieve a greater work output.

The purpose of this study was to examine the temporal and EMG differences between two different jumping techniques: a vertical jump and depth jumps of varying heights. The study consisted of 20 female physical education majors grouped as skilled or unskilled. Temporal and EMG data were collected for (a) the duration of time spent in each phase, (b) the kinematic similarities and differences for each phase, (c) peak EMG activity between groups for six leg muscles, and (d) the peak EMG among the different jumping conditions for each of the muscles. A split-plot factorial ANOVA was calculated for each of the dependent variables.

Results indicated that skilled jumpers spent more time in the eccentric and concentric phases than unskilled jumpers, but both groups spent approximately equal time in the coupling phase. No differences existed in the eccentric or coupling phase times among the three depth jumps, but differences existed in the concentric phase. Finally, time spent in the coupling and concentric phases measured by the cessation of motion of the center of gravity, hips, knees, and ankles was not the same for the skilled and unskilled groups, but no differences existed for the eccentric phase.
