Date of Award


Degree Name

Specialist in Education



First Advisor

Dr. Howard E. Farris

Second Advisor

Dr. Michael Bahr

Third Advisor

Dr. Richard Mallot

Access Setting

Masters Thesis-Open Access


Since the implementation of PL 94-142, the Education for All Handicapped Children Act, over 4 million students have been identified as exceptional (Higgins, 1976). Of these children, 4.41% are placed in general education classrooms for at least part of their school day. The prior research evaluating the effectiveness of general education classroom placement has centered around instructional techniques. This study examined a different aspect of general education placement: study skills. The present study employed a multiple baseline across subjects experimental design to evaluate the effectiveness of the "Skills for School Success" program. The subjects were two students identified by their school referral teams as Emotionally Impaired and two students identified as Learning Disabled. Two subjects were eliminated due to a high number of absences, low reading ability, and a participating teacher's voluntary withdrawal from the study. The results indicate that the Skills for School Success program may be a viable method of assisting special education students in improving their mainstream academic performance.
