
Ross Roberts

Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Arts


Medieval Studies

First Advisor

Dr. Otto Gründler

Second Advisor

Dr. E. Rozanne Elder

Access Setting

Masters Thesis-Campus Only


Newberry MS 31 (Ry 8), Spiritual Texts, is a fourteenth century English manuscript, containing the following works: De interiore meo by Pseudo Bernard or Pseudo Hugh of St. Victor, Soliloguium de arra anime by Hugh of St. Victor, De emendacione vite by Richard Rolle, Formula vite honesta by Martin of Braga, "Jubilus rhytmicus, de nomine Jesu" by Pseudo Bernard, "Vos qui transsitis"; Meditaciones de passione Christi by Pseudo Bonaventure, "A Ihesu pow sched pi blode"; Stimulus peccatoris by William of Rymyngton, and "Ihesu swete his po loue of pe."

This thesis contains a complete transcription of Newberry MS 31 (Ry 8) and an introduction detailing the physical and historical aspects of the manuscript. The texts of Newberry MS 31 (Ry 8) are compared to printed editions, using critical editions when available, showing the variant readings in the footnotes in order to give a full reading of the texts.

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