Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Arts


Medieval Studies

First Advisor

Dr. E. Rozanne Elder

Second Advisor

Dr. Robert Berkhofer

Third Advisor

Dr. David Kutzko

Access Setting

Masters Thesis-Campus Only


In 1319, the Lord of Abergavenny, John de Hastings the Younger, bypassed all intermediary authorities and took a concern regarding St. Mary's Priory straight to Pope John XXII. The pope delegated the task of investigating the situation to his legate, the bishop of Hereford, Adam Orleton. Most scholars who mention the incident give the account in Orleton's register and those who have investigated further were content with entries in the Calendar of Papal Letters published by Rose Graham in 1929. My own research, however, indicates that these sources tell only the beginning of the story. To date, there has been no scholarly study of St. Mary's or Abergavenny in the medieval period, although there have been numerous accounts published by local historical societies. Furthermore, there appears to have been no concerted attempt to find relevant information in the surviving records of St. Vincent's or royal records. Therefore, I propose to investigate and explicate the incident of 1320 through the sources, some of which have not yet been tapped.

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