Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science


Geological and Environmental Sciences



First Advisor

Dr. Alan E. Kehew

Second Advisor

Dr. Duane Hampton

Third Advisor

Dr. Thomas Straw

Access Setting

Masters Thesis-Open Access


A study of the ground-water chemistry and flow direction adjacent to a wetland was performed in a major hog producing area. Nested piezometers, consisting of wells 7 to 18 feet deep, were installed around the wetland to determine the vertical distribution of hydraulic head and water-quality parameters. Piezometer elevations were surveyed to determine precise ground-water elevations to delineate the ground-water flow regime around the wetland. Water samples were taken at three different times to analyze water quality and seasonal variations. Analytical parameters included major ions, redox sensitive parameters (DO, nitrate-N, ammonia, iron, and sulfate), and total organic carbon.

Water level data indicate that the ground-water flow direction is generally to the north in the wetland area. The head gradients in the individual well nests are not large enough to determine whether the wetland is a ground-water discharge or recharge area in those locations. However, the surface water and ground-water chemistry results show that the wetland functions primarily as a recharge system. The chemical trends in the ground-water are consistent with recharge from the wetland through a reducing, organic-rich muck layer at the base of the wetland.

Included in

Geology Commons
