Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Arts


Educational Leadership, Research and Technology


Educational Studies

First Advisor

Dr. George G. Mallinson

Access Setting

Masters Thesis-Open Access


The Problem and Its Background

Audio-Visual Aids

The attention of children is attracted greatly to most of the objects and events they see and hear. Hence they become aware of their environments and learn chiefly through the experiences that come to them through the visual and auditory receptors. As a result educational programs are designed to take advantages of these facts. Audio-visual aids have therefore brought reality into the classroom by making maximal use of the audio-visual senses.

The extensive use of audio-visual aids in classroom teaching is in part evident in the number of motion-picture projectors in the high schools of America. It has been found that eighty-four percent of our public high schools have motion-picture projectors.1 Furthermore ninty-six percent of students in the United States attend schools that have motion-picture projectors.
