Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Arts



First Advisor

Dr. Zoann Snyder

Second Advisor

Dr. Ronald Kramer

Third Advisor

Dr. David Hartmann

Access Setting

Masters Thesis-Open Access


This study provides an analysis of a criminal justice agency's policy and practice to examine if they reflect specific objectives of Indiana registry and notification laws. Prior research suggests that for objectives of sex offender registry and notification laws to be realized, they be reflected system-wide, and in policies and practices of criminal justice agencies. The agency selected for this study is the Indiana Department of Correction. A combination of policy and statistical analysis, interviews with key agency personnel, and compilation of agency documents provides a triangulated approach to addressing this inquiry.

This study found that while some policies and practices reflected the objectives of protecting the community and positively effecting offender behavior, they were not consistently found. In addition, while some practices in the agency, such as those found in social services, were intended to produce positive change in offender behavior, there was no system-wide policy standardizing those practices. This study also indicated that several policies and practices were found to have a potentially negative effect upon community protection.
