Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science


Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences


Speech Pathology and Audiology

First Advisor

Dr. Charles Van Riper

Second Advisor

Dr. Charles Brown

Third Advisor

Dr. William Pavlik

Fourth Advisor

Dr. William Reynolds

Access Setting

Masters Thesis-Open Access


I. Introduction

When stuttering behavior is viewed as a problem in learning, the phenomenon of adaptation frequently receives attention. A standard adaptation experiment consists of having the person who stutters re-read the same passage, or a passage of equal difficulty, a specified number of times. Under these conditions a relative reduction1 in stuttering frequency usually occurs. Experimentalists and clinicians alike have long been puzzled as to why this decrement takes place, since stuttering is generally considered by many writers2,3 as a self-reinforcing disorder; that is, stuttering produces more stuttering.

The present experiment was designed to investigate the effects, if any, or response-defined anxiety or test-defined anxiety in stuttering adaptation.
