Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Arts



First Advisor

Dr. John Austin

Second Advisor

Dr. Alyce M. Dickinson

Third Advisor

Dr. Eric J. Fox

Access Setting

Masters Thesis-Open Access


The purpose of the present study was to examine the effects of a still-photo computer training module without feedback on safe positioning of individuals performing an assembly task and a lifting task using a multiple baseline design across behaviors and tasks. The study took place in an analogue office setting and participants were 6 college students. The dependent variable was the percentage of observations scored as safe and each session was recorded via a hidden camera. During each session, participants completed a 5 minute assembly task followed by 2 lifts and this task sequence was repeated a minimum of four times during each session. Prior to the beginning of baseline, participants received information regarding safe positions and also demonstrated the positions, they then received a safety information sheet at the beginning of every session. At the start of each session in the still-photo module without feedback phase, participants were asked to evaluate 10 still-photos of safe postures and 10 still-photos of at-risk postures for the target behavior(s). Increases in safe performance occurred when the still-photo module without feedback was implemented. The possible behavioral functions responsible for this change, the implications for these findings, and future research are discussed in detail.
