Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Arts


Human Performance and Health Education


Health, Physical Education & Recreation

First Advisor

Dr. Amos O. Aduroja

Second Advisor

Dr. Jody Brylinsky

Third Advisor

Dr. Marianne Frauenknecht

Fourth Advisor

Dr. Lia Gaggino

Access Setting

Masters Thesis-Open Access


The purpose of this exploratory study was to determine the influence of a health/exercise program and social group on fat mass, weight, circumference measurements and body image among obese adolescents. Eighteen adolescents, ages 12-15 years were randomly assigned into 3 groups of 6. The parent/youth group (PYG) had 3 female and 3 male Caucasian participants. The peer group (PG) consisted of 2 females and 1 male Caucasians and 3 African-American females. The control group (CG) had 4 females and 1 male Caucasians and 1 African-American female. Body composition, weight, circumference measurements, and self-report questionnaires (Multidimensional Body-Self Relations Questionnaire, MBSRQ) were performed at pre/post treatments. The intervention consisted of 8, 90 minute weekly sessions involving 45 minutes of circuit training and education. Analysis of variance on fat mass indicated a significant difference among PYG, PG and CG, F(2, 17) = 5.71,p = .01. There was a significant difference in fat mass between the pretest mean and the posttest mean for groups participating in the exercise program and the CG that did not, F(1) = 19.06,p = .01.
