Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science


Geological and Environmental Sciences



First Advisor

Dr. Duane R. Hampton

Second Advisor

Dr. Alan E. Kehew

Third Advisor

Dr. Estella Atekwana

Access Setting

Masters Thesis-Open Access


Delays in the appearance of free product (e.g. fuels) in groundwater monitoring wells often cause costly delays in site evaluation. Little is known about how monitoring well design and installation affect this rate of appearance. This study examined the effects of well screen open area, filter pack grain size and wettability, and well development methods on the rate of appearance and subsequent thickness of free product in wells.

Laboratory and field results indicate that free product appears faster in hydrophilic filter packs than in hydrophobic filter packs. Hydrophobic filter packs with a finer grain size than the "industry standard", seem to be more productive, and have a faster rate of appearance than coarser filter packs.

Results from a field experiment indicate that increased open area in well screens increases the rate of appearance and productivity of a monitoring well. Field investigations also indicate, in areas of free product contamination, the surge block development method may be counterproductive due to clogging of the near well zone by bacterial growth and fine material. Overpumping a well for development proved fastest in rate of product appearance, while bailing proved most productive.

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Geology Commons
