Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science


Industrial and Entrepreneurial Engineering and Engineering Management


Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering

First Advisor

Dr. Robert Wygant

Second Advisor

Dr. Richard Musterman

Third Advisor

Dr. Bob White

Access Setting

Masters Thesis-Open Access


A furniture company in West Michigan proposed an evaluation of a new fixture that will be used in a repetitive manual stapling operation.

Numerous studies reveal that activities involving repetitive wrist motions cause inflammation in the median nerve that runs through the structure of the carpal wrist, causing a cumulative disorder known as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS). This syndrome is one of the most prevalent in industrial settings and service companies.

This study investigated if the use of a new design of a fixture had an impact on operators' performances. Three-dimensional comparative analysis was used to observe operators' wrist angular motions while stapling and using new and current fixtures. In addition, muscular strength and time involved in the particular task were analyzed.

Benefits identified through this study can be realized not only by the workers, but also by the employer.
