Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science


Computer Science

First Advisor

Dr. Naveed A. Sherwani

Second Advisor

Dr. Alfred Boals

Third Advisor

Dr. Ajay Gupta

Access Setting

Masters Thesis-Open Access


In this paper, a new routing methodology for Ceramic MultiChip Module (MCM-C) is presented. In the proposed approach, the routing space is partitioned into several towers and the routing process is decomposed into three phases, namely, routing distribution, terminal assignment, and tower routing. During the routing distribution phase, the routing is uniformly distributed among towers. The locations of nets on the faces of each tower are assigned during the terminal assignment phase whereas the exact paths for the nets in each tower are determined during the tower routing phase.

The existing approaches to MCM routing are extensions of two-dimensional approaches to Printed Circuit Board (PCB) or Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) routing problems. However, MCM is a truly three-dimensional routing environment and must satisfy delay, noise, and fabrication constraints. As a result, existing approaches may not be suitable for high performance MCM's.

Unlike existing approaches, the proposed approach is truly 3-dimensional and can satisfy delay, noise, and fabrication constraints. The proposed approach is also inherently parallel approach which makes it very effective for large MCM routing problems.

The routing approach proposed in this paper has been implemented and tested on MCC1 and MCC2 benchmarks as well as several randomly generated examples. Experimental evaluation confirms the validity of the methodology.
