Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Music



First Advisor

Mary Scovel

Second Advisor

Dr. David Sheldon

Third Advisor

Dr. Melanie Warnke

Access Setting

Masters Thesis-Open Access


The purpose of this study was to determine whether music paired with cognitive-behavioral relaxation was effective in enhancing the focusing, passivity, and receptivity of clients with paranoid disorders.

Seventeen clients with a primary or secondary diagnosis of paranoid delusional symptoms consented to participate in this study spanning three conditions: (1) music paired with cognitive-behavioral relaxation, (2) cognitive-behavioral relaxation, and (3) control condition.

All clients were administered the 16 PF-Autia Scale, Form A (Cattell, 1962) at the beginning, midway, and at the end of the study. A two factor split-plot repeated measures analysis of variance was used to analyze raw scores, sten scores, and percentiles obtained from the measure. Effects of treatment and treatment by time effects were insignificant at the .05 level. Some improvement over time was seen regardless of group classification.

Future studies could extend the direction of this study by continuing to increase the subject pool and using a more sensitive assessment tool designed to measure the three cognitive elements of focusing, passivity, and receptivity separately and more directly.

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Music Therapy Commons
