Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science


Occupational Therapy

First Advisor

Dr. Stanley Paul

Second Advisor

Dr, Richard Cooper

Third Advisor

Dr. Christine Zaza

Access Setting

Masters Thesis-Open Access


Several studies have been conducted on the playing-related physical injuries of college music students. In this study, a client-centered, occupation-based survey was administered to music majors at a large midwestem university. The primary objectives of the study were to examine which health professionals were consulted by this population, and to determine student satisfaction with any treatment they might have received. Secondary objectives were to determine: (a) the perceived efficacy of currently available treatments, (b) the needs and expectations with regard to consultation and treatment, ( c) the perceived need of professionals with specialized knowledge of music and treating musicians, and ( d) the lifetime prevalence of playing-related injuries in this population. The survey response rate was 93 .1 % (108/116). There were 93 students (87.7% of 106) who had consulted a health professional. Students consulted physicians most frequently (37.6%, 35/93) for their playing related problems. Overall, students were satisfied with the treatment they received. However, they indicated preferences for treatment that are currently unavailable in the health care system. Occupational therapy is discussed as a profession which has the ability to serve the needs of injured college student musicians, as determined in this study.
