Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Arts



First Advisor

Maria Cristina Fava, PhD.

Second Advisor

Lauron Kehrer, PhD.

Third Advisor

Keith Kothman, PhD.

Fourth Advisor

Lisa Reneé Coons, PhD.


Bloodborne, Dark Souls, Elden Ring, Godfrey, Gwyn, video games

Access Setting

Masters Thesis-Open Access


In this thesis I argue that the music of the Dark Souls trilogy, Bloodborne, and Elden Ring play a vital role in the player’s capacity to form an understanding of the narrative, examining how musical coding and visual association work for and play against expectations. First, this thesis will analyze the musical styles of each game, identifying commonalities in the compositions. Second, I will explore a case study from each game that illustrates how the music alleviates ambiguity in the narrative. Lastly, the thesis will discuss how players often form their own slightly different interpretations of the stories and lore within, and how the music forms a connective branch for players to link the commonalities of their interpretations.

Included in

Musicology Commons
