Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Arts


Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences

First Advisor

Matthew Dumican, Ph.D.

Second Advisor

Robin Criter, Au.D. Ph.D.

Third Advisor

Hope Gerlach-Houck, Ph.D.

Fourth Advisor

Alyssa Eminhizer, Au.D.

Access Setting

Masters Thesis-Open Access


Speech language pathologists (SLP) are professionals who may work with clients with hearing loss. With hearing loss, there are many devices, such as hearing aids, that must be functioning to provide effective speech and language therapy. Therefore, SLPs must be familiar with how to check and maintain these devices to provide optimal therapy. However, it is unknown how confident SLPs are with working with such devices. Data from a Qualtrics survey with questions that assess SLPs’ confidence in working with hearing assistive devices and communicating effectively with individuals with hearing loss was analyzed.

Overall, this study found confidence across all survey items to be reported as mostly confident. When linear regression models were completed, it was found that there are associations between employment and level of confidence.


Fifth advisor: Katherine Rigley, MA
