Diagnosing Discharge Events within a Novel Miniature Simplified Coaxial Ion Trap Mass Analyzer

Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science


Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

First Advisor

Nicholas R. Taylor, Ph.D.

Second Advisor

Kristina M. Lemmer, Ph.D.

Third Advisor

Daniel E. Austin, Ph.D.


CIT, ion trap, mass spectrometer, SCIT, simplified, STorIT

Access Setting

Masters Thesis-Abstract Only

Restricted to Campus until



Mass spectrometry is a technique that organizes material samples by mass to reveal their chemical composition by forming a spectrum. Since their invention, ion trap mass spectrometers have undergone significant enhancements. This work, funded by the National Science Foundation and in collaboration with Brigham Young University, the Simplified Coaxial Ion Trap (SCIT), attempts to simplify ion trap geometry and combine three ion traps into one device. Successful demonstration of the SCIT functionality could reduce costs, reduce manufacturing complexity, and shrink total instrument volume. At the same time, trapping capacity and analytical efficiency will be increased. However, as discussed within, challenges arose during characterization of the SCIT. This work focuses on the troubleshooting methods used to alleviate electrical discharge related to the SCIT’s operation. Potential causes and remedies are proposed.

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