Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Music



First Advisor

Lisa Coons, Ph.D.

Second Advisor

Christopher Biggs, D.M.A.

Third Advisor

Carter Rice, D.A.

Access Setting

Masters Thesis-Open Access


“All is Flux” is a composition for solo amplified vibraphone and fixed media. The title is derived from a quote by the Greek philosopher Heraclitus- “All is flux, nothing remains still.” While a traditional score will be provided to the performer for the purposes of preparation and analysis, a video score that is synchronized to the fixed media audio elements will be used in the final performance. This moving score should be visible only to the performer, not the audience. The composition serves as a practical demonstration of experimentation on structure in tandem with elements drawn from narrative theory. Additionally, this piece explores scale and its effect on the perception of musical changes and textures as both moving events or immersive environments.

The structure of the composition draws influence from the Joseph Campbell’s idea of the narrative mono-myth, the “Hero’s Journey.” Each movement of the composition serves as a musical representation of the three acts described in the Hero’s Journey. The first movement is meant to explore the idea of the “familiar environment” and the unwilling hero. In contrast, the second movement acts as the representation the hero’s growth while exploring the unfamiliar environment. Finally, the third and final movement is to juxtapose the changed hero with the unchanged, familiar environment and the discomfort of this modified relationship.

Included in

Composition Commons
