Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science



First Advisor

Dr. Ekkehard Sinn

Second Advisor

Dr. Ramakrishna Guda

Third Advisor

Dr. Sherine Obare


Anticancer, drugs, platinum-based, chemotherapy, cancer

Access Setting

Masters Thesis-Open Access


Cancer is considered the second leading cause of death after heart attack. Different treatments have been applied to kill cancer cells such as chemotherapy, which is the use of chemicals or drugs in order to treat cancer cells. Platinum-based anti cancer drugs are the backbone of chemotherapy, they play a crucial role in treating various malignant tumor. However, the disadvantages of these drugs are very painful on patients, such as nephrotoxicity and ototoxicity. In the last four decades, thousands of platinum-based anticancer drugs have been synthesized for hope in find a new drug with higher efficacy and less side effects.In this study, three different types of platinum-based anticancer drugs are considered. The first type, chelate agents, which provides stability and force the drug to form with cis configuration. Five out of six of the approved platinum-based anticancer drugs have bidentate ligands, which proves the advantages for synthesis of new drugs with bidentate amine ligands. The second type, Pt(IV)-based complexes, which is an active field due to the benefits that octahedral complexes provide. None of Pt(IV) drug has been approved, however; three drugs are undergoing clinical trail. This field is quite interesting for further investigations. The third type, π-bond binding, whihc is a new study of organic couplings that can bind to metal center by the pi bond instead of the nitrogen, this new feature can lead to a new field where it can be used for anticancer drug, or by inhibiting COX enzyme, the enzyme that causes pain. Fiver differentt drugs have been synthesized, and they are DPAPlatin, PhenPlatin, TriPicolyAminePlatin, DiPhenPlatin, and DCCplatin.

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Chemistry Commons
