Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science


Computer Science

First Advisor

Dr. Leszek Lilien

Second Advisor

Dr. Ala Al-Fuqaha

Third Advisor

Dr. Ikhlas Abdel-Qader


Ambient Assisted Living (ALL), Internet of Things (IOT), IOT Applications for the disabled, privacy, security

Access Setting

Masters Thesis-Open Access


Aging of the population resulted in new challenges for the society and healthcare systems. Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) that depends on Internet of Things (IoT) provides assistance to the disabled people and supports their vital daily life activities. Affordability of and accessibility to AAL and the usage of IoT starts revolutionizing healthcare services. This Thesis is a survey of the privacy and security issues in IoT healthcare applications for the disabled users. Introduction includes definitions of privacy and security terms, and discusses their relationship. Then, it presents an overview of the IoT, including its architecture and components. Next, the Thesis shows IoT-based solutions for healthcare for the disabled, which is preceded by a discussion of the types of disabilities. A range of IoT applications for the disabled users is identified, and their classification is proposed. Then, privacy and security issues in these IoT applications are discussed, along with IoT-based solutions known in the literature. Finally, the Thesis identifies privacy and security requirements for IoT applications for the disabled users.
