
Yi-Fen Chang

Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Arts



First Advisor

Dr. Arthur McGurn

Second Advisor

Dr. Paul Pancella

Third Advisor

Dr. Emanuel Kamber

Access Setting

Masters Thesis-Open Access


In this thesis I study a theoretical model of one-dimensional dielectric array (a layered system of dielectric slabs) which forms a periodic dielectric system in which band gaps are opened in the frequency spectrum. Specifically, we study such a one-dimensional array with linear impurities introduced in the periodic dielectric system. In these impurity structures narrow resonant modes are found in the band gaps as impurity modes and these impurity modes change with the dielectric constant. This impurity problem is similar to the donor and acceptor state problem in electronic semiconductors. The calculations presented in this thesis are based on numerically studying impurity modes from linear impurities in an otherwise periodic one dimensional array of dielectric slabs and determining the impurity mode frequency as a function of the impurity dielectric constant of the impurity slabs.

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Physics Commons
