The Gender-Free Being

Sponsoring Organization(s)

Society for Medieval Feminist Scholarship (SMFS)

Organizer Name

Phoebe C. Linton

Organizer Affiliation

Univ. of Edinburgh

Presider Name

Phoebe C. Linton

Paper Title 1

"Dex saut et benëie lo con o tot sa compeignie!": The Subject of Genitals and Genital Subjects in the Fabliaux

Presenter 1 Name

Alice Hazard

Presenter 1 Affiliation

King's College London

Paper Title 2

Power, Acceptability, and Gender Subversion in the Middle English Fairy-Mistresses Romances

Presenter 2 Name

Jane E. Bonsall

Presenter 2 Affiliation

Univ. of Edinburgh

Paper Title 3

Ragnarocking: Gender, Medievalism, and Performance in Viking Metal

Presenter 3 Name

Jessica Dambruch

Presenter 3 Affiliation

Old Dominion Univ.

Start Date

14-5-2016 1:30 PM

Session Location

Schneider 1360

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May 14th, 1:30 PM

The Gender-Free Being

Schneider 1360