Hnefatafl: A Viking Board Game (A Workshop)
Sponsoring Organization(s)
Organizer Name
Neil Peterson
Organizer Affiliation
Presider Name
Karen Davidson
Presider Affiliation
Independant Scholar
Paper Title 1
Workshop Leader
Presenter 1 Name
Neil Peterson
Start Date
10-5-2018 1:30 PM
Session Location
Sangren 1320
A hands-on workshop that will introduce participants to the history and various rules of the Hnefatafl class of games from Viking Era Europe. Attendees will have a chance to play various versions of the games while participating in an on-going Experimental Archaeology project to explore unknown or conflicting evidence of the rules.
Neil Peterson
Hnefatafl: A Viking Board Game (A Workshop)
Sangren 1320
A hands-on workshop that will introduce participants to the history and various rules of the Hnefatafl class of games from Viking Era Europe. Attendees will have a chance to play various versions of the games while participating in an on-going Experimental Archaeology project to explore unknown or conflicting evidence of the rules.
Neil Peterson