ScholarWorks > Arts & Sciences > Medieval Institute Publications > medpros > Vol. 36 (2022) > Iss. 1
Volume 36, Issue 1 (2022)
Complete Volume
Peasants and Polyptyques in the Ninth Century: The Peasant Hermod
Constance B. Bouchard
Lives of the Sisters of Syon Abbey c. 1415-1539: Patterns of Vocation from Syon Martiloge and Other Records
Virginia Bainbridge
“A Certain Poor Woman”: Vulnerability and Visibility among Hospital Donors and Tenants
Lucy C. Barnhouse
Royal Women in Lombard Italy: Gender and Royal Power
Nicole Lopez-Jantzen
The Children of Louis VI of France and Adelaïde of Maurienne, and the Date of a Historical Compendium of Saint-Denis
Elizabeth AR Brown
From Digital Prosopography to Social Network Analysis: Medieval People in the Twenty-First Century
Matthew Hammond
Visualizing the Social Networks of Early Medieval Pilgrims
Courtney Luckhardt
Life-writing on Lead: Burial Plaques and Their Obituaries, c.950-1200
Elisabeth van Houts
A New Digital Prosopography: The Medieval Londoners Database
Maryanne Kowaleski
Networks of Crusading: An Introductory Overview of Digital Resources for Research into People, Place and Space
Katy Mortimer
The Cartulary of Prémontré: People, Places, and Networks from Medieval to Digital
Yvonne Seale and Heather Wacha
Complicated Lives and Collaborative Research: Mapping the Effects of Conversion to Christianity on Jewish Marriage Practices in Late Medieval Girona
Alexandra Guerson and Dana Wessell Lightfoot