Volume 4, Issue 1 (1983) Spring
Complete Volume
The Family of Viscount Fulcoius of Angers: Some Methodological Observations at the Nexus of Prosopography and Diplomatics
Bernard S. Bachrach
From Miles, to Episcopus: The Influence of the Family on the Career of Vulgrinus of Vendiime (ca. 1000-6.5)
Steven Fanning
Genoese Prosopography (12th-13th Centuries): The State of the Question and Suggestions for Research
Gerald W. Day
Heresy, Inquisition and the Crusader Nobility of Languedoc
Alan Friedlander
Bibliography of English Scholarship, 1970-81: Part I--1066-1307
Joel T. Rosenthal
Bibliography of Studies in Medieval Prosopography: Wales, 1970-80
Ralph A. Griffiths