Most master’s theses completed through the Graduate College of Western Michigan University have been entered into ScholarWorks. Some may be embargoed or restricted by the authors and may be only available from on-campus computers. Print copies of theses not available here and from before 2012 are available through interlibrary loan. If you have any questions, please contact
Theses/Dissertations from 1967
A Review of the Short Forms of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Edward Gerald Tava
Variables Influencing Cooperative Escape and Aggressive Behavior, Robert Walter Taylor
The Effects of Differential Delay of Knowledge of Results in a Motor Learning Task, Philip Teitelbaum
Visual Recognition Following Periods of Sensory Deprivation and Sensory Bombardment, Thomas W. Vodde
The Relation of Aggression to Escape Opportunity, Marshall Wolfe
Theses/Dissertations from 1966
The Effects of Pentobarbital Upon the Gross Activity of the White Rat and Modification of These Effects by Means of Water Immersion, Dominic Amante
Strain Differences in Alcohol Preference on Guinea Pigs and Experimental Manipulation of Preference by Forced Alcohol Consumption, Gerald L. Appleman
The Effects of Varying Shock Intensifies on the Behavior of Domestic Fowl, Howard F. Bracco
Anonymous Versus Identifiable Individual Judgments Under Social Influence, Charles J. Campolo
Identification of Long-Tenure Hourly Factory Workers Using a Weighted Application Blank, Joffrey Michael Dornon
Biographical Data Related to Achievement in Undergraduate Psychology, Keith E. Fleming
Evaluation of an Inservice Training Program for Psychiatric Attendants, Homer D. Green
Supervisory Attitude Change through Reward of Verbal Behavior, Gary A. Howitt
Dogmatic and Decision-Making in a Variable Risk Situation, Robert E. Jones
The Effect of Morphine on Pain-Elicited Aggression in Rats, Danija Kaskurs
The Relation of Anxiety Level to the Performance of an Abstract Reasoning Task Under Stressful and Non-Stressful Conditions, Melvin J. NeCamken
Effects of Ribonuclease upon the Regenerating Tissue of Conditioned Planaria, Harland E. Noll
Conditioned Suppression in Humans, Eric W. Pott
Conditioned Avoidance to Water Following Exposure to X-Irradiation, Albert E. Roberts
The Relationship Between Shock Duration and Shock Induced Fighting in the Domestic Hen, Elliott Seligman
Effects of Radiation upon Consumption of Alcohol as a Discriminated Fluid Stimulus in the Rat, Joseph A. Straka
Pain Elicited Aggression as a Function of Withdrawal from Morphine Addiction, Brian G. Teel
The Effect of Deprivation Level on Resistance to Extinction: A Test of a Single Organism Design, Enzo Richard Valenzi
Theses/Dissertations from 1965
The Effects of Chlorpromazine Hydrochloride upon Temporally Spaced Responding, Stephen M. Bean
The Effects of Prior Success or Failure and Subsequent Deviant Verbal Behavior on Group Puzzle Completion, James L. Bowditch
A Comparison of Authentic and Simulated MMPI Profiles, Gaylis D. Brown
The Effects of Sensory Deprivation on Projection, Bryan R. Ellis
The Effect of Changes in the Requirements of Fixed Ratio Schedules on Post-Reinforcement Pauses and Rate of Response, Mark Irving Felton
A Study of Stereotype Perceptions of Northern and Southern College Students, G. Lance Gilbert
Examiner Influence on the Holtzman Inkblot Technique, Robert G. Hamilton
The Effects of Word Affectivity and Mode of Presentation on Retention, Lawrence W. Lezotte
The Effect of Interlist Similarities on Verbal Transfer in Paired-Associate Learning, Marylyn Morrell
Time Effects of Subthreshold Stimuli Upon Supraliminal Stimuli, Martin Resnick
A Study of the Relationship of the Verb-Adjective Ratio in Linguistic Construction to Induced Stress, Bruce A. Schurman
The Effect of Instructions on Problem Solving Efficiency, Douglas Allen Webb
Theses/Dissertations from 1964
Reliability of Aircraft Altitude Estimates by Ground Observers, Euegene W. Benson
The Relationship Between Various Wave Lengths and Dark Adaptation, Thomas Eugene Berghage
Individual Differences in the Reduction of Cognitive Dissonance, Richard S. Dunn
The Affect of Simultaneous Auditory Stimulation on Absolute Visual Sensitivity, Leonard M. Fisher
Group Cohesiveness and Group Productivity, Michael M. Makedonsky
The Effect of Induced Movement of Induced Movement on the Naming of Pictured Objects and Persons-One Aspect of Thinking, Jack A. Nottingham
An Investigation of Food Deprivation and Competition on Hoarding Behavior in the Domestic Cat, Jo Ann Sinclair
An Investigation of the Visual Processes Involved in the Vertical-Horizontal Illusion, Robert L. Vette
An Investigation of Employee Attitudes and Employee Performance, Richard V. Washburn
Theses/Dissertations from 1963
A Comparison of Sprague-Dawley and Wistar Albino Rats on Maze Learning Ability, Richard W. Daniels
An Investigation of Creative College Students Using Two Measures of Flexibility, John L. Roberts
Anatomical Associations on the Rorschach Test as a Predictor of Assaultive Behavior, Keith O. Schmidt
Theses/Dissertations from 1962
Secondary Reinforcement and the Discrimination Hypothesis, J. David Barcik
A Study of Personality Dimensions Associated with Creative Individuals, Michael J. Bodi