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Most reading expected of secondary and college students is ac complished out of class even though that reading is usually for the purpose of school achievement. Usually it is instructional behavior we are after when we have students read for class, but most management of the learning process ends when the students leave the classroom. If out-of-class reading is for instructional purposes and if the teacher's function is to manage the learning process, then consideration of learning behavior in out-of-class instruction is worth our attention as teachers. Rothkopf (1965) has coined the term mathemagenics to refer to behaviors which give rise to learning, and much research suggests that reading behaviors can be controlled and manipulated to produce variations in learning outcomes even beyond the classroom (Ausubel, 1960; Bull, 1973; Duchastel & Merrrill, 1973). The directions students receive, the evaluational expectations they carry, the orienting stimuli provided with texts all affect the ultimate consequences of reading.

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