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On a brisk October morning, Ms. Kind arrived at school early. "Are those readiness workbooks here, yet?" she asked Ms. Leeder, the principal. "Not yet," Ms. Leeder replied, "but they should be here any day now." "I hope so," responded Ms. Kind. "This morning I noticed how much the leaves have turned. The school year is moving right along. Since the school system's goal this year is to have all children ready to begin reading instruction by the time they complete kindergarten, and my children have such a long way to go, I had better get started soon." "Well, they're due in any day now," Ms. Leeder repeated as she walked out to greet the first busload of children.

For the next several weeks Ms. Kind checked every day to see if the workbooks had arrived. Finally, she was told that they were back-ordered and should be there after Thanksgiving! Meanwhile, Ms. Kind knew from talking with teachers in other schools that their workbooks had arrived weeks before. When Christmas vacation began and still no readiness workbooks had appeared, Ms. Kind decided to take matters into her own hands. Armed with journal articles she had copied at the library and some current textbooks, she sat down one snowy afternoon after Christmas, determined to plan her own reading readiness program. Her list at the end of the afternoon included five major "knowings."

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