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There is little to debate regarding the validity of findings which suggest that instruction focusing directly on the task of learning to comprehend will result in greater and more consistent achievement than incidental, spontaneous and/or oblique instruction. Within this framework, however, the term "direct instruction" can mask a multitude of qualitatively divergent classroom styles. To illustrate, we will briefly describe a study in which two second grade teachers. each reflecting the characteristics associated with direct instruction. provided noticeably different kinds or reading and language arts instruction for their students. With this study as a basis, we will then offer some "food for thought" regarding reading the instruction of reading comprehension.
Recommended Citation
Duffy, G. G., & Roehler, L. R. (1982). Direct Instruction of Comprehension: What Does it Really Mean?. Reading Horizons: A Journal of Literacy and Language Arts, 23 (1). Retrieved from