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This study sought to measure the effects from infusing writing components into a university reading laboratory. Together, the writing components displaced 30% of the regular reading instructional time. With this level of infusion we had four research concerns. First, we wanted to know if the writing infused group would make significant gains in reading. Second, we wanted to know how the writing-infused group fared in reading gains when compared to the other groups where reading was the sole mode of inst ruction. Third, we asked the writing-infused students how useful they felt the writing activities were to their reading development. Finally, we asked these students how much interest they had in each of the writing activities. Stotsky (1975, 1983) has adequately reviewed the research on reading writing relationships. From this one concludes that a definitive explanation of the impact of teaching methods and curricular activities on the joint development of reading and writing has yet to be determined. Karlin and Karlin (1984), however, urged that writing infusions should be done even though the research picture is not complete.
Recommended Citation
Cate, L. C., & Heermann, C. E. (1987). Infusing Writing Activities Into College Reading. Reading Horizons: A Journal of Literacy and Language Arts, 27 (4). Retrieved from