Publication Date
Efforts and initiatives to improve the education of our teachers are currently underway. The Holmes group reports Tomorrow's Teachers (1986), Tomorrow's Schools (1990), and the soon to be released Tomorrow's Schools of Education (in press) provide principles to assist schools and universities as they work together to improve the education of our students. In the Association of Teacher Educator's (ATE) annual survey of critical issues in teacher education, Buttery, Haberman, and Houston (1990) state that "teacher education will not be im proved until the conditions of practice in the schools are improved." It is essential that reform in schools and teacher education evolve together.
Recommended Citation
Macaul, S. L., Blout, T., & Phelps, K. H. (1994). School/University Partnerships in Reading/Language Arts: Working Toward Collaborative Inquiry. Reading Horizons: A Journal of Literacy and Language Arts, 34 (5). Retrieved from