Publication Date
Adler, David A. (1997) -Lou Gehrig: The luckiest man; Cardo, Horacio.(1998)-The story of chess; Christopher, Matt.(1998)-The dog that called the pitch.; Levine, Abby.(1998) Gretchen, groundhog. It's your day!; McCain, Becky Ray (1998) Grandmother's dreamcatcher; Rodriquez, Alex with Greg Brown (1998) Alex Rodriquez: Hit a grand slam! (1998) Sensisi, Ellen. B.-For my family, love, Allie; Spelman, Cornelia Maude (1998) Mama and Daddy Bear's Divorce (1998) Tucker, Kathy (1999)The leprechaun in the basement.
Recommended Citation
Freedman, L. (1998). Children's literature: What's on the horizons. Reading Horizons: A Journal of Literacy and Language Arts, 39 (1). Retrieved from