Publication Date
Bierhorst, John (Ed. 1998) The Deetkatoo: Native American stories about little people; Dygard, Thomas J. (1998) River danger; Porte, Barbara A. (1998) Hearsay: Strange tales from the Middle Kingdom; Siebold, Jan. (1998) Rope burn; Stevenson, James. (1998). Mud Flat April fool; Hesse, Karen. (1999) Come on, Rain; Hobbs, Will. (1998) Howling hill; Pyle, Howard. (1998) King stork; San Souci, Robert D. (1998) Cendrillon: A Caribbean Cinderella; Turner, Ann. (1998) Drummer boy: Marching to the Civil War.
Recommended Citation
Freedman, L. (1999). Children's literature: What's on the horizons. Reading Horizons: A Journal of Literacy and Language Arts, 39 (4). Retrieved from