Publication Date
"Intensive Phonics vs. Gradual Phonics in Beginning Reading: A Review" which appeared in the April 1965 issue of The Journal of Educational Research? This review presents 22 comparisons between intensive phonics instruction and gradual phonics instruction. It differs from standard reviews in two respects. First, it restricts itself to comparisons meeting certain rigorous statistical criteria and gives specific reasons for excluding various less rigorous studies. Second, instead of quoting the conclusions of various investigators, it tabulates their findings in terms of significant differences. The reviewers found that 19 comparisons favored intensive phonics, three favored neither method, and none favored gradual phonics. They concluded that early and intensive phonics instruction tends to produce superior reading achievement.
Recommended Citation
McGinnis, D. J. (1966). Did You See?. Reading Horizons: A Journal of Literacy and Language Arts, 6 (2). Retrieved from