Date of Award


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



First Advisor

Dr. Denise E. Ross

Second Advisor

Dr. Richard Malott

Third Advisor

Dr. Kelly Kohler

Fourth Advisor

Dr. Maria Malott


Behavioral skills training, literacy, adult education, behavior analysis, tutors, parents


The present study evaluates the effects of a behavioral skills training package (BST) on training adult literacy tutors to implement the steps of BST when teaching parents with low literacy. Four adult literacy tutors participated in the study along with one parent with low literacy. The primary dependent variable was the percentage of steps of the BST package implemented correctly during tutor training probe measures. Secondary measures were taken on the parent’s performance of each step of the literacy activities on which they were trained. In baseline, all tutors were provided with instructions for performing two literacy activities and tutors demonstrated how they would train each literacy activity with a parent or confederate researcher at their literacy site. During the BST session, tutors were trained on how to implement the BST package when training a parent on performing an Interactive Read Aloud literacy activity. Following the BST session, tutors again demonstrated how they would train each literacy activity as a maintenance measure. Their performance was probed in session with a parent when possible. Results suggested that following the BST session, tutor performance improved in implementing the steps of the BST package with parents and parent confederates during maintenance probes. Acceptability measures showed high approval ratings with the training package. Results are discussed with regard to practical considerations when training various populations.

Access Setting

Dissertation-Open Access
