The Hilltop Review: A Journal of Western Michigan University Graduate Student Research is a publication of the Graduate Student Association. This peer-reviewed journal is intended to be interdisciplinary and provides a venue for sharing scholarly and creative activities of graduate students at Western Michigan University.
Current Issue: Volume 13, Issue 1 (2022)
Complete Issue
The Hilltop Review, Vol 13, No. 1, Spring 2022
Listiani Eran
Editor's Note
Notes from the Editor
Listiani Eran
Black (Muslim) Lives Matter: African American Muslim Social Activism
Jacob C. Riccioni
La figura de la mujer en El burlador de Sevilla
Maria Isabel Lozano Becerro
A Sublime Death: Shock and Awe
Olivia L. Moskot
Challenging Colonialism through Religion: Connections Between Colonialism, Power, and Religion in Colonial Uganda
Ruth Aardsma Benton
All For The Glory of God: Reconstructing the Jesuit Perception of Odawa Female Identity in New France, 1660-1675
Eric Morningstar
Bumblebee on Pink Milkweed
Stephanie Leaver
Hoverfly on Bull Thistle
Stephanie Leaver
Pink Milkweed
Stephanie Leaver
Creative Writing
How To Make Cemetery Tea
Lauren Coyne
Lauren Coyne
World Upside Down
Kevin Fitton
And Your Eyes Open
Benjamin Yusen