

This article investigates an interesting conundrum of addressing crime when the state commits a crime itself, and most often is the primary apparatus of crime control. Even more difficult in pursuing state crime control, the state typically plays a major role in defining crime. Criminologists commonly suggest state sanctions to address crime, and states to sanctions other states for their crimes. However, such an approach struggles when faced with the punishment of a powerful state’s criminal actions such as the United States. After laying out the controversy at the heart of controlling state crimes, several criminological theories traditionally employed to deal with street crime (e.g., burglary, rape, murder) are applied to state crime in an attempt to develop novel ways of addressing state crime. A few critical crime approaches are also addressed. Finally, the article concludes by discussing a method for discovering which crime control techniques are most effective encouraging future researchers to employ such a technique to advance our limited knowledge on controlling state crimes.

State Crime Control Hilltop Review Title Page.docx (12 kB)
Title Page with name and information not in main body.

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