Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Arts


Human Performance and Health Education

First Advisor

Dr. Donna M. Ritenour

Second Advisor

Dr. Debra Berkey

Third Advisor

Dr. Ray Cool

Access Setting

Masters Thesis-Campus Only


The National Athletic Trainers' Association's position is that high schools should employ the services of a full-time athletic trainer. However, only 9% of secondary schools in the United States employ a full-time athletic trainer. New educational standards imposed by CAAHEP may be resulting in the reduction of athletic trainers' employed at the secondary school setting. Surveys were sent to certified athletic trainers residing in the state of Illinois to obtain information on their education, certification, and employment history. One-sample Chi-square tests were conducted to prove significance (p < 0.05). Differences were found when looking at athletic training as a major and the inception of CAAHEP standards x 2 (2, N= 90)=16.083, Q = .007.; teacher certification prior to CAAHEP x 2 (2, N= 21)= 21.721, Q = .000; teacher certification in relation to certification route x 2 (3, N= 21)= 6.383, I?. = .041; and initial employment in a high school setting based on graduation before or after CAAHEP standards X2 (2, N= 14)= 14.126, I?.= .015. The new CAAHEP standards appear to negatively affect the overall number of full-time athletic trainers in high schools. The NATA must find a way to work within the current educational system to ensure the placement of athletic trainers in our secondary schools.

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