Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Arts


Educational Leadership, Research and Technology


Educational Studies

First Advisor

Dr. William P. Spence

Second Advisor

Dr. John R. Lindbeck

Third Advisor

Dr. Charles G. Risher

Access Setting

Masters Thesis-Open Access


I. Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study was to ascertain the extent to which the applications of science and mathematics were being taught in industrial arts courses in the schools of Michigan, and to show what, if any, similarities or differences existed between the applications being taught and (1) the size of the school, (2) the type of shop, (3) the grade level, and (4) the degree held by the instructor.

More specifically data were gathered to ascertain:

1. The college preparation in science and mathematics received by the industrial arts instructors.

2. The extent to which the applications of science and mathematics were being taught.

3. The methods by which the applications of science and mathematics were being taught.

4. Whether the industrial arts instructors believed it necessary to improve and expand the teaching of the applications of science and mathematics, and if so, by what means.
