Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Music



First Advisor

Edward A. Roth

Second Advisor

Dr. Christopher C. Cheatham

Third Advisor

Brian L. Wilson

Access Setting

Masters Thesis-Open Access


Synchronous, asynchronous, and no music were compared to determine the effect of synchronization of musical tempo and running cadence on physiological and perceptual responses to exercise. Eight subjects, three males and five females, participated in one assessment trial and three experimental trials. During the assessment trial, subjects performed a VO2max test, and researchers then calculated running cadence at a velocity approximating 70 percent of VO2max.

During the three experimental trials, subjects ran for 20 minutes at approximately 70 percent of VO2max on a motorized treadmill with synchronous, asynchronous, and no music, where the order of trials was randomly assigned to each participant. VO2, blood lactate, heart rate, perceived exertion, and cadence were recorded every five minutes.

A two-way ANOVA revealed a significant main effect for time on RPE, HR, VO2, and blood lactate. The effect of music condition was not significant, p>.05. Results and recommendations for future studies are discussed.

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Music Therapy Commons
