Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science in Engineering


Chemical and Paper Engineering

First Advisor

Dr. Dewei Qi

Second Advisor

Dr. Kalyana C. Pingali

Third Advisor

Dr. James R. Springstead


Computer Simulation, Swimming nanobody, self-propelled, Lattice Boltzmann Method, General Lattice Spring Method

Access Setting

Masters Thesis-Open Access


Swimming bodies such as flagellum and fishes are found everywhere in liquid environment. The research of simulation of swimmers is one of the most important branches among the field of biophysics. This study focus on the direct computer simulation of self-propelled flexible nanobody in fluid field. Two new objectives is studied based on the previous research of Tai-hsien Wu and Dewei ai (2014)[1]. ln Wu's article, the front end of micro swimming body is fixed and the migration of swimmers is neglected. For a further study, one of new targets is to release the head in 3-D simulation fluid area. Then the swimming body will gain thrust through the flapping of the filament. Besides, the flapping mode shape w¡th high Reynolds number is worth to study since seldom articles can be utilized. Furthermore, another new objective is that two-body system will be introduced. ln this study, we focus on the tandem configuration and the front swimmer influence on the rear one through interaction of flow distribution. Simulation results of single fiber and two-body system is in keeping with prevíous studies very well. For the theoretical support in this research, Lattice Boltzmann Method, General Lattice Spring Model and lmmersed-boundary Method are introduced to respectively simulate structure of fluid, solid and interaction between fluid and solid.
