Honors theses completed at Western Michigan University are entered into ScholarWorks. Some may be embargoed or restricted by the authors or we have been unable to reach the authors, so the theses may be only available from on-campus computers. If you are an author of an honors thesis and would like to make it available off campus or if you have any questions, please contact wmu-scholarworks@wmich.edu.
Theses from 2005
Observational Study of Atrium Use at Bronson Methodist Hospital, Suzanne Brentin
Breastfeeding Policies and Employer Attitudes in the Hospitals of Southwest Michigan, Kayla Kryszak
Changes in Nursing Student Attitudes Toward Mental Illness, Jared Rogge
Theses from 2004
Chinese Medicine: Integration into Western Culture, Anna Hehl
Cancer Pain: An Allopathic or Alternative Approach?, Amanda Keating Walker
Theses from 2003
Is the PDA Ubiquitous? A Contemporary Look at PDA Use in Southwest Michigan, Mandy Lentz
Chronic Sorrow in Patients with Chronic Illness, Their Families and Caregivers, Laura Maus
Children's Nutrition: Good Habits for Life, Lauren M. Oates
Adaptation in Families with Asthmatic Children, Kathryn Sohn
Preventative Medicine and Aging, Rachel Wiseman
Theses from 2002
Testicular Self-Exam (TSE) in Adolescent Males: Assessment of Current Knowledge and Evaluation of Available Educational Tools, Arlene R. Haley
The Pharmacy of Nature, Joseph Thomas Humphrey
A Whole New Approach: The Emergence of Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Mainstream American Society, Katherine A. Liebler
Quality of Life After Spinal Cord Injury and Nursing Implications, Laura McAlpin
Compliance and Psychosocial Issues of the Diabetic Adolescent, Jenna McIntosh
Single Payer Healthcare System, Lance C. Richards
The Nurse's Role in the Prevention and Treatment of HIV/AIDS in African Americans, Sara L. Zeien
Theses from 2001
Critical Progress Indicator Tools and Their Use in Clinical Pathways at Saint Mary's Mercy Medical Center, Kristina Ehlenfeldt
The Dental Profession's Obligation Regarding HIV and AIDS, Nicholas R. Koenigsknecht
Vertical Transmissions of HIV, Tanya Nicolen
Ethical Dilemmas in HIV/AIDS and Healthcare, Kurt Raffler
Coexistence of HIV Treatment and Quality of Life, Heather Thompson
The Effects of Abandonment and Institutionalization on Growth and Development of Children, Ellen S. Verbrugge
Theses from 2000
Do Medical Schools Provide Their Students With Enough Information About HIV and AIDS?, Mark Dzwik
Fighting AIDS with Holistic Weapons: An Integrated Approach, Tom Goodwin
Dimensions of Transcultural Nursing Addressed in Professional Literature on Diabetes Mellitus Among Latinos, Olga Lupe Munguia
You and Your Heart: A Translation of Patient Education Materials into Spanish, Kathy A. Sharp
Birth Defects: Topics Including-Bladder Exstrophy, Anal Fissure, Anorectal Fistula, Meckel's Diverticulum, Ostomy, Stoma, and Colostomy, Heather Welsh
Theses from 1999
Utilizing the Dynamics and Supporting the Essence of Fatherhood: An Assessment and Plan for the Development of the Working Father, Cynthia-Marie C. Nicholson
A Study of the Effectiveness of Sex Education Classes on the HIV/AIDS-Related Attitudes and Behaviors of Adolescent Women, Imelda Reyes-Phetteplace
Theses from 1997
Rethinking the Nursing Paradigm: The Ethics of Gatekeeping in American and British Nursing, David C. Grandy
Theses from 1995
Personal Interviews vs. Awareness: A Health Promotion Program for Behavior Change, Elizabeth Klein